Wednesday, June 18, 2014


And the answer is........we have decided to do a day trip (a very long day trip) to Bruges and 5 days somewhere else. The top candidate for the next stop is Paris but if the trains are still on strike 3 days from now then we might just go to London instead. It is so very luxurious to be able to decide where we want to go on a moment's notice.

It is way past time to poke my nose into a few shops. There are cheese stores everywhere and the displays are so pretty that I just want to buy one of everything to take home but do you know how much cheese weighs? A ton. I'd never be able to lift my suitcase off the carousel at the airport when I get home. Sigh. So I am bowing to reality. Of course there are a zillion stores with wooden shoes but there's no way I'm gonna fit stuff like that into my suitcase. Reality is sometimes tough to accept.

A few interesting sightings of people bicycling by: a slender young woman with a cello strapped on her back (we've seen quite a few cellos and French horns and the like on cyclists), bicycles with a kind of wooden wheel barrow arrangement on the front of the bike that is large enough to fit a wife and 3 small children, and many people riding while talking on their cell phones.

Our guidebook listed a good place for high tea and so today we went there to refresh ourselves after shopping. Named Gartine, it is located in a little alley and I would never have even noticed it if not for the guidebook. And it turned out to be a slow food restaurant, which means that everything is made from fresh, local, and organic ingredients, and we always love slow food places. Never having had high tea in a Dutch environment, I was very interested in how it differed from a standard British tea. Well, it was spectacular. We started with a cream soup made from herbs in their garden, then a potato onion and herb quiche, then a sandwich made with homemade chutney and an aged cheese on delicious brown bread, and then came the sweets. The platter included an almond cupcake hollowed out and filled with homemade raspberry/beet jam and topped with whipped cream, a chocolate dipped date, and 4 wedges of things that looked like cheesecake but were much lighter in texture-- chocolate with a hazelnut crust, lemon meringue with graham cracker crust, pistachio lime with pistachio crust, and pear with a nut crust. We couldn't possibly eat it all so we brought it back to the hotel for a late night snack. Can't wait for snack time.

Tonight was a very big soccer game for The Netherlands at the World Cup. The streets are awash in orange--people in all-orange outfits and goofy orange hats, stores with massive orange balloon decorations, orange steamers and garlands. We had our hotel room window open during the game and every now and then the city would erupt in roars of shouting and horns blowing. I expect the flurry of boats to start up soon on the canals, full of drunk and singing fans.

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