Friday, December 10, 2010

What day is it?

Today I had my first "I'm retired" moment.  I woke up and couldn't figure out what day it was.  I thought it was probably Saturday because I knew I didn't have to go to work, but found out it was really Friday when I checked my cell phone.  What a hoot!!!!

On the other hand, someone asked me yesterday how retired life is and I immediately launched into my how-would-I-know-I'm-too-busy rant.  I've been racing from one thing to another -- mostly Revels stuff heavily laced with personal errands.  I haven't had a single sleep-in morning or a chunk of time that I can curl up with a good book.  OK, so I know the working people are not exactly crying boo hoo for me, but you have to at least grant me some sympathy.

On another retirement topic, some friends got together and worked up a list of the top 10 things that I MUST do during retirement.  So here goes.  Working from bottom to top of the list....

10) Kick around the house wearing pajamas and slippers all day.  [My comment:  what a crock.  Who has the time? However, I'm looking forward to this one after Christmas.]

9) Quit wearing lipstick.  [My comment: what a crock.  I look terrible without lipstick.  Not gonna happen.]

8) Drink no more diet manhattans.  Manhattans with cherries only.  [My comment:  this is one that I can do and plan to do with great pleasure.]

7) Never multiply anything by 1.15 again.  [Explanation: this stems from a work group who regularly went out to lunch together. Several people had problems calculating the tip so I casually mentioned one day that you just multiply the total by 1.15.  They fell over laughing because that sounded even harder to them.  And to those who think that a 15% tip is not generous enough, my defense is that the statement was several years ago. Clearly, they have never let me forget my "easy solution".]

6) Wear earrings that don't match. [My comment: OK, most people know that earrings are a big deal for me and that I own several million pairs.  And a couple of the pairs do not exactly match.  But to intentionally wear earrings from two different pairs -- that's hard.  Not sure if I can bring myself to do it.]

5) Be on time, not early for a rendezvous with friends. Maybe even be late.  [My comment:  OK, they really nailed me on this one. I'm always early.  So I'm going to really make an effort to slow down and show up late.  But I don't guarantee the results.]

4) Wear your tiara grocery shopping.  [My comnment: Now that's a tall order.  I'd have to be in a really silly mood -- but I might just do it.]

3) Sleep into double digits.  [My comment: For a person who just naturally wakes up around 6 AM, this is not an easy thing to do.  And besides, who has the time -- see rant at the beginning of this post.]

2) Unlearn Excel. In fact, uninstall Excel.  [My comment: Absolutely, positively, NO.  I run my budget on excel, and my travel schedule, and multiple things for Revels.  Excel is essential to life!!!]

And the #1 thing I must do during retirement?  Have bourbon and butterscotch shnapps coffee for breakfast everyday.  [My comment:  I wish I could. In fact, I've been a dismal failure -- I haven't even accomplished #1 yet although I do think of it fondly.  OK -- I'm gonna try to do at least this one thing tomorrow.]

All in all, I don't think I've earned a very high retirement score so far.  sigh

Any other "must do" things during retirement?

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